Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This week

From my daily Tuts: notes from the Universe: "For the one who continues, Kristin, failure becomes impossible."

I like it! 

This week we met with the highly regarded architects from Fletcher Thompson.  They spent more than an hour with our team (lisa, deb, andy, kunjan, russell)  discussing spaces and places in Stamford, Norwalk and Greenwich.  Exciting!  They really 'got' what I described as our mission.

Deb, Andy and I are going to the meeting with the mayor tomorrow in Stamford for small businesses and hopefully get a little time with him at that point.  Even though we are a non profit, we are a professional theatre and I think most non profits realize they need to think like a business to be successful.

Speaking tonight with my web designer and getting exactly the right details for what kind of site I need to buy as we begin beta testing our website this summer. I hope to have it up for you all to help us beta test by end of May, beginning of June. 

Last weekend I judged a choral competition in Boston and we are just finishing up all finals for Western CT State University this week.  See, you can work, "Starting a professional theatre" into your small pockets of time. You just have to have a good team working with you who believes in the mission.

Suggested reading:  Permission Marketing, by Seth Godin.

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