Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brainstorming part 1

Writing the "show" for June 30th.  I do my best thinking when I write "stories" so the next few blogs will be my train of thought as I write out the NPT Board Development event show. I usually write things out at first and then cut them down to bullet points for shows.  I also consider the attitude I want before I write so inspiration for that can come from articles I have read, books or movies.

Scott Bryce and I will co-mc and I will weave the Broadway pros throughout this. Some of them will be strategically placed to further the "story" and/or add their own two cents if they have been involved in any of our shows. I am also featuring briefly the Executive Dir of the Klein Auditorium in our Mentoring section (we have partnered with them for the Fall) and the Executive Dir of The United Way  in the Non Profit section because we have performed two galas for them.

I'll start with our short history/founding and who we are.  This interview with Bill McDermott, co-chief executive of SAP, the software company, in the NY Times inspired me to be bold. He was talking about the broader take-away for a class of graduating seniors and says: "A lot of people might play the field, or try to figure out what they want. But I knew exactly what I wanted. Second, you’ve got to want it more. If you want something badly enough, everybody around you can see the passion. And people will make bold bets on people who have an unwavering passion to succeed or a passion to do something." 

I am counting on that.  

Also when he hires folks this is what he says:  " You need people who have a sense of urgency and passion, and they come in with a desire and a stated goal, they have a point of view, and they’re looking for some support because they’ve got a game to win. That’s what I want."

I am basically asking them to commit in the same way when we present to these potential board members.  In the midwest, where I went to high school, we were often afraid of coming across too "intense".  I think it is mandatory here. Specific and Sharp.  

Gearing up for the actual writing of the intro section now. I know I have honed this to a fine point in the many meetings and lunches I have had over the last year or so. Explaining who we are and what we do. Why we are "new".  Luckily we have not waited until this moment to prove ourselves. Not waited on a building. Or funding. We have a track record of doing what we say we are going to do.  

The videos Mark and I put together are also good in terms of concise text.  I would write him the phrases we wanted in them and he would do an amazing job of working the videos in with that text.  The intro video alone has great stuff for me to use:

Key words throughout the speech will be:  New Template, Bridge to the community, Arts as a timeless connector, Partnering. Civic cause. 

OK This has helped so I'll get back to you soon on the next brainstorming session.

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