Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Four year budget- DONE!

Thanks to the hard working Jamibeth Margolis (exec dir), who did the four year projected budget amidst running tons of auditions in NYC and directing a show, we are well on our way to being incorporated! Check our facebook page and add a comment to that post if you could.

The way it works:  Turn in 4-year projected budget to the accountant, Lynne, who looks it over for anything that might not work.  Then that all goes to the lawyer, Kelly, who starts the incorporation process. 

I understand that doesn't take too long.  After that, we have 30 days to hold a board meeting to vote on our by-laws.   Both Randy West (artistic dir of The Way Off Broadway theatre) and Todd Olson, (artistic dir of American Stages) sent me their by-laws as examples of what we need.   I have performed in shows that they directed. What great guys!

Next?  Playing around with all the stuff I learned at the Internet Marketing convention.  Reallllllly cool stuff ya'll.

Also made contact with the heads of Conquer Entertainment.  Completely innovative way to work with recording artists.   What a nice partner they will be with our theatre.  I mean, really, who doesn't want to be around famous recording artists who have a multi-million dollar company behind them?

Pic is of the Gala at the convention.

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