Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Last night  the Culture Circle had our monthly, sometimes bimonthly meeting.

 For about a year, Joe Meyers (entertainment writer at the CT Post) and Jessica Speart (, author of many books, most recently "Winged Obsession") and often Drew Taylor (film critic & feature writer for the CT Post)  have met at the Circle Diner in Fairfield to discuss and review theatre, film and books.

At first we wanted to be an online magazine that offered interaction and creative videos of our commentary, culminating in our once a month meetings that could include our "tribe" and driving business to our favorite diner.

We have decided to make the Culture Circle a part of the New Paradigm Theatre with a special tab on our website that will include not only our reviews and videos, but also soliciting (with guidelines) video reviews and commentaries from others who want to share their thoughts and get publishing credit.  Written or in video form.

We will focus on covering Southern CT events (theatre, book signings, non profit galas, college shows, new films etc) and may vary our meeting spot to include restaurants in Stamford, or wherever we decide to locate.  This inititive is a part of developing a "press corp" for the area in which we choose to settle.  Imagine having not only the four of us covering artistic events in the area, but also a whole tribe of college kids and other "authors" submitting stories (ala the huffington post) for artistic, non profit and even business events, driving traffic to those other sites and places we meet as well as to our website. Once again, it's free to do this.

Am I worried about providing my "competition" with coverage ie other theatre groups etc?

Nope.  Also part of our inititive to show that we can all work together. What benefits one, benefits all.

A New Paradigm for how to establish a regional theatre company.

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