Monday, July 29, 2013

Here we grow!

Today's blog from Seth made me happy I married a Landscape Designer. (below)

Just a tally, from the June 30th Board development event we now have these amazing new board members with a couple more to come:

  • John L. Friend – Divisional President -Stamford First Bank
  • Elaine Nord- Elaine Nord Photography
  • Bill Clegg- Principal, Fletcher Thompson and Associates
  • David Lewis – President/CEO/Founder- OperationsInc and President / CEO of
  • Daniel G. Johnson  principal-in-charge of Cummings & Lockwood Attorneys at Law
And these new members are already contributing great ideas and energy. That is what we wanted!  Our first board meeting where we will introduce them all to each other and set our path for the coming year will be in September and I can't wait!

Gardens, not buildings-Seth Godin

Great projects start out feeling like buildings. There are architects, materials, staff, rigid timelines, permits, engineers, a structure.
It works or it doesn't.
Build something that doesn't fall down. On time.
But in fact, great projects, like great careers and relationships that last, are gardens. They are tended, they shift, they grow. They endure over time, gaining a personality and reflecting their environment. When something dies or fades away, we prune, replant and grow again.
Perfection and polish aren't nearly as important as good light, good drainage and a passionate gardener.
By all means, build. But don't finish. Don't walk away.
Here we grow.

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